Digestive conditions afflict nearly 70 million Americans. With a few exceptions, the spate of digestive illness has a direct association with the lifestyle and diet decisions we make diurnally. According to recent research 60% of the immune system is situated in and around the digestive system.

You may find it hard to believe, but the digestive system in point of fact begins in the brain. No sooner does the very notion of eating enter our head, our body prepares for digestion. When we chew the food, it is mixed with saliva and enzymes, breaking it up for easy digestion. Then we swallow and the food travels down the esophagus and into the stomach.

The esophagus is connected to the stomach by a muscular valve known as the esophageal sphincter whose function it is to allow food to pass into the stomach and to keep the stomach contents out of the esophagus. When the acid from the stomach is allowed to trespass into the esophagus, heartburn is the common symptom that is experienced. Prolonged Heartburn may be indicative of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Recent reports:

The treatment for GERD normally involves containing the condition with prescription drugs such as antacids and drugs to reduce the production of stomach acid. While these are generally safe, in some individuals they can be the cause of diarrhea. Antacids can cause both constipation or diarrhea, so you must look for ones that contain both magnesium hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide (one causes constipation and the other diarrhea) so they can counteract the effect.

While it is important to treat the root cause, GERD, it is also important not to ignore diarrhea, which in its acute form can last up to three weeks. Diarrhea can cause severe dehydration, robbing the body of enough fluids to function properly. It is especially dangerous in children and the elderly and must be dealt with immediately to avoid serious complications.

Your physician will be able to assist you in choosing the right medicine to treat your GERD, while at the same time keeping diarrhea and any other complications associated with GERD at bay.

Taking a keen look at your diet and making the required changes will go a long way towards treating GERD as well as its related problems.


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