The main function of a business card is to provide your personal information. Being in the entertainment business, it is crucial to have a business card that is distinct and speaks volume about you and your work. Your business card should contain the basic elements like your name, contact numbers and services you provide. You have the option to put other personal details like home address and home phone number.
If you are on the market for a great business card design, you would be surprised at the many options you have. Aside from color and material, the orientation of the business card can also be changed to suit your preferences. Currently there are two options based on orientation: the horizontal and vertical layouts.
As their name implies horizontal and vertical layouts differ in presenting information. Although the vertical layout would appear to be more creative, there is really not much you can do when it comes to choosing a style. The horizontal layout is best for you if you prefer a business card with only the most basic information. For example, just your name and number would be enough.
On the other hand, a vertical business card allows more freedom when it comes to putting details such as a logo or a graphic image. For example, dancers can put an image of a ballerina; musicians can place musical notes, etc.
If you still have difficulties thinking of a great business card design, you should check the available samples on the internet. As long as you are looking, you can also download free software; gather information and tips on how you can choose the best business card design and so much more.
Since business cards are one of the most cost-effective advertising tools you can take advantage of, you can still save money by doing it yourself. All you would need is a reliable printer that could deliver good image quality and that's it. Just use the most user-friendly software you can find and you will soon find your self with a batch of neatly-printed business cards.
For those of you who don't have the time for this, you can always order from a store that provides these services. You can just provide your personal details, choose a template and your business cards would be available to you in a couple of hours. For added fun, choose a colored business card for drama and style.