Would you ever give a nine year old the keys to the car and send them to go pick up their younger sibling from school$%: Of course not, there are some things in life that are just unheard of. Unfortunately in business, especially in Network Marketing, people are sent out to "drive their business vehicle before they have come of age."

Network marketers, both novice and expert, should not be sent out to acquire customers and recruit a downline without the proper mlm training. It should be illegal! The most successful people in business usually have received some type of training or have a mentor that helps them along the way.

Many a new recruit and even some so called veterans are walking around blindfolded trying to acquire customers and recruit downline distributors. Needless to say, this group is usually not the successful bunch.

Where Can You Get Proper Training$%:

The first place to look for training is within your own parent company. Your company should have some company-wide training events on a regular basis. Unfortunately, these events are sometimes filled with more hype than anything but you can usually extract some pertinent information for your success.

Also, someone within your upline should be able to give you some basic training to get started. The best place to learn is directly from someone who is successful, someone who can be a mentor. If you can find a mentor in your own company then by all means take advantage of the situation. But don't shut out other network marketing experts in other industries. Some of the best that I know of are Tim Sales and Kim Klaver. No matter who you follow make sure they are down to earth and that they tell it like it is rather than try and paint a cute and fuzzy picture. Fluff will not get you anywhere whereas focused hard work and walking down a proven path will.

Proper MLM Training

Any training you receive should teach you how to find both people to recruit and to acquire as customers. Many network marketers get stuck in the "warm market" rut. They only contact there family and friends. No matter how sociable you are, this pool is limited. Expand your horizons and use other methods of finding people like traditional marketing methods, passing out flyers and business cards, and most importantly asking for referrals.

You should also learn how to approach people the right way and how to pique their interest properly. After the initial approach you want to know how to ask the right questions and to funnel people through a system to know who is sincerely interested and who isn't. Not many things are more annoying than a network marketer constantly bugging you even though you have told them you are not interested. Learn when to move on to the next person and to let others go.


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