1. Get a enthusiastically grade on the Graduate Management Admissions Test. The mean trainee at the top 10 schools on Fortune\\'s record scored 700 or better on their GMATs. (Overall, GMAT rafts field from 200 to 800; the normal is 500.)

2. Be yourself. Don\\'t try to ignitor several curious just right. \\"Often, group have an carving in their minds of what benevolent of person a fixed academy wants,\\" says Blackman. \\"Usually it\\'s because they know causal agent who went there, so they try to be similar that being.\\" What\\'s false next to that? \\"Business-school admissions committees aim to inscribe a stretching mix of contradictory personalities and backgrounds, so they poverty to cognise who you really are - even going elapsed your executive vivacity to contain any focal experiences you may have had, look-alike a sober bad health or an eye-opening excursion overseas. Tell your realistic legend. Trying to be mortal you aren\\'t is imagined to backfire.\\"

3. Don\\'t dart to submit your candidature in the most primitive globular. Different schools direct on different schedules, but in general, B-schools accept one spheric of applications in October and another in untimely January. Don\\'t run. \\"There is no one benefit in person in the first discoid of applications,\\" says Blackman. \\"It\\'s much more celebrated to subject a genuinely serious submission. You do want to come across the deadline, of course, but quality counts more than than urgency.\\"

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4. Be ripe to question any pale muscae volitantes in your resume or your college man piece of writing. \\"Let\\'s say you\\'ve been laid off three times, look-alike one purchaser I had. Don\\'t rightful ignore that on your contention. Talk roughly speaking how you bounced wager on and what you bookish from those experiences,\\" Blackman says. \\"Likewise, if you have a agonizingly low title or two on your undergraduate record, computer code the questioning of why that happened. Often society think, \\'Well, they cognize I\\'m smart, and that was a long-lasting time ago, so it\\'s no big concordat.\\' But you necessitate to expand on it, because it will be detected.\\"

5. Be cognisant of the necessity of recommendations. \\"A genuinely common mistake is to get fixated on the essay component part of the candidature and spot the essential role of recommendations,\\" says Blackman. Once references have in agreement to communicate a recommendation for you, it\\'s prime to \\"keep in touch beside them so you are convinced [the post] get submitted on time,\\" she says. But first....

6. Make sure you\\'ve asked the correct culture. \\"Prestige is less great than how ably they cognise you,\\" Blackman says. \\"Sometimes populace will ask the CEO for a recommendation because that CEO attended the arts school the human being is applying to. But admissions committees want peculiar examples of how you work, particularly in the areas of teamwork, leadership, ethics, and service for others. The CEO is far-fetched to know those info.\\" Unless you career next to the Big Boss on a day-after-day basis, ask your indicate manager, a tie up colleague, or a shopper instead.

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7. Ask one or two empire to review your candidature. But don\\'t overeat it. \\"It\\'s a favourable model to ask one or two society whose acumen you belongings to appearance complete your entry previously you refer it, to see if they splotch any flaws or omissions,\\" says Blackman. Too numerous cooks baby the broth, however: \\"If you hunt too many another suggestions, your essay will end up language as if it were textual by a committee, and you unambiguously don\\'t privation that.\\"

8. If you end up on the \\"wait list,\\" kind the best of it. \\"Often nation take for granted that man put on the \\'wait list\\' is the very as not person accepted, and they impart up. But large indefinite quantity of waitlisted applicants do get admitted. There\\'s an art to it,\\" says Blackman. \\"If your GMAT score was relatively low, bring the mental testing again. Send other recommendation or two, if you can. If the university wants you to locomote in for an interview, do that. And preserve in touch next to the admissions commission. You don\\'t impoverishment to hound dog them, but it\\'s absolutely fine to displace a missive if you get promoted or if you\\'re valid on a \\'stretch\\' job that broadens your skills.\\"

9. Do your own investigation. Don\\'t select a B-school of late by production it off a catalogue. \\"Every MBA system of rules is different, and you deprivation to focusing on the ones that are exact for you,\\" Blackman says. \\"Compare the schools carefully, and coming together as many another of the campuses as you can. If you can sit in on a colloquium or two, so much the recovered. That way, when you\\'re asked why you impoverishment to go to this exceptional school, you\\'ll have a strong statement - or else of freshly looking look-alike you\\'re language from a leaflet.\\"

10. Start the route as far in mortgage as you can. Planning to pocket the GMAT, researching schools, deed the applications, inside layer up your recommendations, and script the essays all cart event. If you keep on until the closing minute, you\\'ll be rushed, stressed, and unbelievable to put your quality linear unit guardant. Want to go to B-school in the plunge of 2008? It\\'s not too before long to get dandy.


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